Hubzilla Support Forum Not directly associated with Hubzilla perhaps, but I think I have a problem that may be associated with the nginx config I have for HZ.
I am installing Matrix/Riot/Jitsi under the elsmussols.net domain.The Hubzilla for elsmussols is on box A, the MRJ is on box B. Box A and B have different IP numbers. To facilitate this, I am using
. I have therefore created a file
which contains JSON that makes magic happen. It lives at:
root@pendle:~# ls -al /var/www/.well-known/matrix/
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 48 Apr 21 00:29 server
If I go to
#^webpage, I should just see the JSON text. I don't. I remember when getting LetsEncrypt certs for the first time, I have to futz with a location block in the nginx config, but don't remember clearly. The location block as it stands says:
# make sure webfinger and other well known services aren't blocked
# by denying dot files and rewrite request to the front controller
location ^~ /.well-known/ {
allow all;
rewrite ^/(.*) /index.php?q=$uri&$args last;
Thoughts appreciated.